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Stones of Light
Education Foundation

good always logo

Stones of Light
Education Foundation

Our StudentsProgressPartners

The Need For Education

We provide educational resources for youth in rural parts of Guatemala where access to high quality education is sparse.

Stones of Light Student
Stones of Light Student

Modern Education Platform

In conjnction with Colegio Del Futuro students recieve access to excellent online courses using a smart phone or tablet.

Here's how you can help!

$495 will provide a full education package to a child in need:



Pays for one child's education for an entire year!



Provides a smart phone or tablet for a child to access the education platform for 1 year!



Pays for one child's access to a certified teacher for 1 year !

Stones of Light studentStones of Light studentStones of Light student

Other Ways To Help

Impact Investing

Invest in tropical hardwood trees that deliver amazing returns: cash on cash, environmental returns, and social impacts. Stones of Light directly benefits from each purchase of tropical hardwood trees.

Artisan Marketplace

Purchase products from Good Always where 100% of the profits help combat extreme poverty. Each purchase helps educate children and provide jobs to people who are in need.

stacked rocks

©Copyright 2022 Stones of Light Education Foundation
